Archive for the ‘work’ Category

Sit down, sit down. And how are you today? Great, that’s just great. Wonderful, even. Have a good weekend? Super, just super. Now, I just wanted to have a word with you about the management program you’ve shown interest in and maybe gauge where you’re at developmentally-speaking. We both know you’re a good worker, but […]

The Language


                    I languish because I do not speak the language. I do this willfully. I do it as a point of pride, for turning common sense into an empty pseudoscience based on meaningless terms, insincerity and selfish glee should be considered a crime against humanity and […]

Bathroom Woes


The mens washroom at my place of employment is a real horrorshow (not to be confused with real horrorshow, which is the exact opposite of my intent). I cannot speak for that of my female coworkers, but judging by some of the smells that come wafting hence, I can only assume a similar sight lies […]



I’m a vampire, baby, suckin blood from the earth – Neil Young I am a vampire — rather, a vampire in reverse. Instead of staying up all night and sucking blood out of my surroundings, I stay up all night as my surroundings get fat off my blood. I do it for the paycheque, see? […]

I Sit In a Pod


I sit in a pod. This is my essential existence, which is to say that if one were to compile a catalogue of photographs taken on the hour, every hour, of me doing whatever it is I’m doing at that juncture (au natural – or as close as one can get to it these days) […]